Well lets see the last time I wrote was in August or September and I have tried to stay busy through the last couple of months. September was kind of a blur, I had to get ready to go to Jenn's for October, I helped Megan, Lisa and Amy with their peaches, these are pictures of Preston showing off is motorcycle and tools. 

Then I bought some material to take with me to sew, gathered activitie things to do with the kids. Got all of my doctor visits in, shopped for Brad and Scott so they didn't starve to much.
Then I bought some material to take with me to sew, gathered activitie things to do with the kids. Got all of my doctor visits in, shopped for Brad and Scott so they didn't starve to much.
Come October 3 I was off to the warm state of Arizona where I was Jennifer's live in nanny for the month. Jennifer got the opportunity to start a new job at a new hospital that is only 8 miles from her house, so that will make it nice for her instead of the hour long drive to Scottsdale. She started the next day on October 4 where she had to be to work at 8 am.
The following Sunday, Jennifer's old work through a going away party for her and another girl that left to work at the same hospital. It was fun to meet some of the women that Jennifer worked with. We enjoyed food and company that night.
The girls were out of school on their fall break for 2 weeks. I also watched Jenn's daycare kids for her, so the mothers of these kids didn't need to find a new person while Jenn was going through this. I enjoyed being with my grandkids, we did have our times when we butted heads, but I love them even more for their cute little spirits that they are.
Each week was an adventure, we went to the park a couple of times, we had picnics on the back lawn, making carmel apples, cookies, we did a lot of things to make the days go by, besides their other routine things like hip hop, piano lessons and Maren's preschool. Jennifer and Rich's work out on Wednesday evenings.
I enjoyed making dinner for a bigger family than just Scott, Brad and I and sometimes it is just Scott and I. It just isn't the same as it was when I had all of the kids at home, to fix a nice dinner.
I was able to celebrate my birthday while at Jennifer's. Jenn spoiled me by taking me to get a facial and pedicure. It was divine. And then we went to Pei Wei to dinner. Yummy!!
Scott ended up sending me a bouquet of flowers which I loved!
Then on my actual birthday Jennifer and Rich and the kids took me to a mexican restaurant to celebrate the day!
I was even able to see my nephew and his family while there which was great.
Jennifer worked every day and then on friday she would work a half a day until the 22nd where she ended up working until after 6. The following week was her last week (and at first she really wasn't supposed to work it) and the days were long for her. Poor girl she was so exhausted from all of it. She would come home and crash. But the little energizer bunny that lives inside of her didn't crash to hard, she kept going and going and going.
That last week that I was there I was able to go to the girls grandparent day and eat lunch with them. I loved being able to be there for that since they never usually have a grandparent there for it.
Well it was a long month for all of us, Scott was soo ready for me to come home. I left on the 28th and got home about 2 pm. Scott had booked a hotel for a couple of days for us, it was so nice to be in his arms again. In fact at the airport he almost didn't let me go.
We enjoyed the stay, we went to a couple of movies, dinner and a nice walk around the Salt Lake Temple grounds. And attending my nephews open house for his mission to Peru.
Now that I am home I have been put to work on a RS dinner and I am helping with a funeral this weekend, our dear friend Dave Ballard past away while I was gone. Our prayers go out to Diane and the kids.
I have been getting the house picked up and cleaned too. I also found out that Amy and Matt are moving to Arkansas, so we are having everyone come to dinner to say their good byes this Sunday. I hope to take some pictures of them before they leave.
So in a large nutshell that is what has happened in my life the past couple of months.
Here are some pictures of what I took, not to many. Halloween costumes, also Heidi and Casey's kids in their costumes, Preston in his (I was watching him while Amy and Matt were house hunting)
So enjoy!