Monday, June 8, 2009


It has been a busy last couple of days. I finally finished my painting and we got a desk for my office. Once we got that in place, we cleaned up the house for Jennifer and Rich and their family to come. They were here for Rich's brother's wedding, and were only here for a short time. So we went to Farr West for the wedding and then on Saturday we had Daghen's baptism to go to, so we picked up Megan and Mike and then Grandma Farnsworth and started on our way back up to the Ogden area. The baptism turned out really nice, my dad and Joan were there and all of my kids except Lisa was there. (Lisa is the 10yr old scout leader in her ward and had to be with them at an outing), but her husband Scott and the kids came. Also our son-in-law Matt couldn't make it due to a motocross race he was in. After the baptism Heidi had a luncheon out in back of their house at the park, it was great weather and we were even able to see some of the Air Show that Hill Air force puts on, it was fantastic to see the Blue Angels to their thing. When it was all over we went home to go up to the canyon and roast marshmallows, but the weather started to turn on us so we decided to go to Lowe's and buy a fire pit and roast marshmallows on the deck, so that is what we did. In the mean time Brad came home from his Scouting trip from Lake Powell and to our surprise he came back with NO hair or very little and today he is suppose to go get his picture taken for Senior pictures! Oh Well. Well I won't bore you any more than you already are. Enjoy the pictures! Until next time SMILE!!!!!

Oh yeah here is the finished product of my painting and our new desk!

Still have some decorating to get done, but I guess I better get the job first, so I can pay for the decorating!!


Lori said...

Sounds like fun.
I shaved my head the summer before my senior year! Probably not quite the same but it was fun.
I love the office it looks great.

The Hiller Family said...

What a fun time! I love your desk! and the paint job!!

I wish I could have made it to the baptism, but with the Air Show, my husband had to be there to work - and I was a little too pregnant to try and deal with a 2yr old at a baptism during his naptime!!
It would have been awesome to see all of you again - especially jen since it's been so long!