So I am at home finally with JetBlue, it has only been a week, and so far so good. I still am not so thrilled about working, but I will stick it out for a little while. I think that I was spoiled being at home, and not working for the past year, and now I am working and now I remember why I quit. Enough about that.
Last Wednesday through Saturday morning Scott and I went camping up in the Uinta's where Scott grew up camping and we also took our kids when they were young. We decided to take the grandson's with us so Daghen and Tyson came with us, Mik was going to come but he had football practice and we told him it was up to him and he didn't want to miss his practices. So we set off on Wednesday afternoon around 5pm getting up to camp around 9:30 or so. As we were getting onto the freeway Tyson spoke up and said so are we there!? I just stared laughing and said "we are just getting on the freeway, it will be awhile", so after that it was about every 30-45 minutes that we got that question. Oh does that bring back memories from our own kids asking us if we were there yet.
As we arrived Lori and Mim (our nieces,who had been there since Sunday) met us and helped us park the trailer,we got the boys put to bed,since they had fallen asleep, and how they did that on the bumpy road is beyond me. The next morning the boys were anxious to go fishing, but Grandpa told them that they needed to go get bugs first. In the middle of the night Kurt and Jason (Lori and Mim's husbands) had arrived in camp. So all of the older kids went with the dads to go get bugs at Millcreek where we have always gone to get rockrollers, the special bug you use to fish on the Bear river and East Fork of the Blacks Fork where we are camped. In the meantime Kathy and David showed up, it brought back so many memories of when we would camp with them when the kids were very young. It has been awhile since we have camped together, but I think that we areback on track! I had so much fun with Lori, Mim and Kathy talking about old times and also enjoying Lori and Mim's (I should tell you that her name is MaryAnn but we use her nickname)kids, they were so fun to be around and what a great bunch of kids. I appreciated the way the they all welcomed Daghen and Tyson, and included them in everything they did. The boys seemed to have a lot of fun.
That afternoon Jim and Carrie showed up with their 2 kids Jimmy and Katie, and on Friday Cinda and Paul and their daughter Amelia came and what a party around the fire.
I loved the entertainment the the Farnsworth kids showed us, like Alex on his stage (stump)singing is heart out not knowing what he is saying, Will just walking through camp singing or just talking, to Emily, Whittney, Carine, Natalie and Ben singing all the time. Todd and Jimmy jumping into their grandpas truck to help him (or agrivating him). I will always treasure the time I was able spend and get to know these special kids!

Scott and I took the boys fishing on friday morning, and they were having a ball. I was the photographer and was in charge of putting on the bate (rockrollers) on their hook if it came off. I told Kathy that I never did that for my own kids, but I guess as a grandma you do just about anything. I am sure my girls are thinking sure mom, I guess you will have to come next year and find out if I do it.

I hope that we can get back to doing what is so important to Scott as to fishing his favorite place and being with his brother and family. I thouroughly enjoyed myself and can't wait to do it again next year. Please enjoy the pictures I had a lot of fun taking them.
Thank you Lori and Jason, Kurt and Mim, Kathy and David, Jim and Carrie and Paul and Cinda, for making last week the funist time I have had in a long time. For sure it is on my calendar for next year and I have told all of my kids to mark the first week in August to go camping up in the Unita's like we always used to do.