Thursday, August 20, 2009

The First Day of School

So here we go again, the start of a new school year. It seems like yesterday they had just got out of school for the summer. For Brad this is his last year of High School. WOW!!! And our last child to finish public school all together, it seems weird to say that, but I for one can't wait till the end of the year, no more parent teacher conferences, no more wondering if there is enough lunch money in the account, no more school supplies, all of that will be gone. YEAH!!! But I still can't believe that he is a senior and will graduate this next year.
It will be different to not have a student at the high school or jr high or elementary, I guess this is where the grandkids come into play. This will be an exciting year for Brad, he is a great kid and he has been a great help to us. He has a lot going for him. The one thing about Brad is that he loves people and he is always concerned about others. I think he will be a great missionary.

Brad will have a chance to go to college for a year before he is able to go on a LDS mission, that way he can get in most of his generals and be able to come home from his mission and start from there (at least that is the plan).

Last night Scott gave Brad a fathers blessing and it was great. When he stood up to hug Scott, I believe he is now taller than his dad. But I want him to still be our little boy.

Have a great year at school Brad. Remember that we love you!
Look at the cool glasses he has on, he reminds me of someone in the 70's when I was in school.


Marianne said...

Good luck, Brad!

Wow. I am old. Wasn't he just a baby? ;o)

Lori said...

Are Brad's shoes pink?

Wow, he is old. I remember when we were having Ben and you gave us baby stuff from Brad. Wasn't that just yesterday?