Thursday, July 31, 2008

At Last!

Welcome to our Blog!!! It is about time that I am doing this. My kids have been after me to do this. Life has been crazy as you all know, you think that when your kids are married that life would settle down, uh No it doesn't, it is just more crazy. I am no longer working and I had thought of doing all the things that I used to do before I worked, but no I had to go and have surgery on my foot the day after I quit. See the beautiful cast that I get to wear for 4-5 weeks. Then 2 months of therapy. And hopefully I will be back to normal (whatever normal is) to start back walking and going to curves again. So some of those things will have to be put on hold until I can move more freely.

[nice purple cast huh?]
This past week Scott and Brad have been gone on a 50 mile hike with the scouts in our ward. Scott was like a little boy, so excited to go on this hike, where Brad was just whatever dad. So I have been home by myself, Lisa brings the kids over for the day to keep me company, and oh yes they did sleep over for 2 nights, I told Lisa that I do sleep better when someone is in the house with me. Even though they are 6, and 4. I never want to experience living by myself. Now I know what my dad felt, and what Scott's mom does everyday. NO THANKS, I want to have Scott here for a long time.
Not only do I hate being alone but our Freezer that we have had for about 28-30 yrs went out on me, you should've seen me trying to hobble all over to get the food out of it and put in our fridge/freezer (that we have in the garage) and I still needed room, so I called Lisa for help and she had room for the rest of the food. Great, I just spent money on storage bins for all the toys for the grandkids, now we have to buy a freezer.

We had a fun time back in June when Jenn and her family came to visit, (they live in Arizona) we had a lot of fun, we went swimming with all the kids, I should say that I went swimming with all the kids.

[Amy and Preston]

[Me and some of the grandkids]

It was great to have my girls all together.

[Uncle Brad is the favorite]

On Friday Scott took the day off and we went hiking up to Timpanogos Caves, it was harder than I thought, the kids did great other then Jenn's littlest wanted to be carried 3/4 of the way. That was so fun that we took them to Cascade Springs and to Aspen Grove on Saturday, we didn't get to go all the way up to the water falls, since Brad had to get back to go to work. I guess we will have to do that again next time she is up this way. Before Jenn had come, they put their house up to sale and while they were here they sold it, WOW!! only 3 days on the market and it was sold, that meant they had to be out of their house by the 14th of July. I had time off of work for a week so I went home with them and helped them pack and watched the kids (Abby 7, Paige 4, Maren 2) while they went to house hunt. Within a couple of days they found what they wanted and are now moved into their new home. We plan on going there for Thanksgiving so that Scott can build shelves for them in the garage and anything else that Jenn and con her dad into doing.
Heidi and Casey are still living in Ogden, while Casey is starting to go to Nursing school at Weber. YEAH!! They have the 3 boys, Daghen 7, Tyson 5, Ayden 2.
Lisa and Scott are living in Pleasant Grove. Scott is going to Nursing school also thru Ameria Tech in Draper, while Lisa is going to school at Salt Lake Community School part time, while also working for Occurance from home (telemarketing) which is nice, to do from her home. They have Mik 6 1/2 Kinzie and Halli 4 (twins) that keep them busy.
Amy and Matt are the proud parents of our 10th grandchild. Preston Matthew was born in March, he is a big boy. Amy and Matt live in Heber. Matt is CFO of Capital Community Bank and Amy is staying at home.
Megan and Mike just celebrated their 1st anniversary, they live in American Fork. Mike is finishing his degree and will graduate in April. Megan works for Bank of American Fork, so does Mike (following Mikes Family).
Brad is now 16 amazing, surely I'm not getting any older. He now drives, in away that is a good thing, especially since he can not have friends in the car for 6 months from when he got his license. He is working at Macey's (grocery store) and says that he likes it, he gets to see people that he hasn't seen them for awhile, and when he says hi to them they can't believe it,is Brad. He now stands over 6ft, yeah a child that is taller than me, since all the girls are not even as tall as me, and I am only 5ft 8in.

Scott and I celebrated our 30th anniversary in December, but went to Cancun in the end of January. This past spring Scott had business in Switzerland and I was able to go with him, so enjoy the pictures! Scott said no more trips this year. I told him that he was a party poop. I still need to celebrate my 50th birthday and want to go to either Disneyland (which is affordable) or Hawaii (my favorite place, which is not affordable at this time.) We'll see what happens.

Every year my brother Scott invites all of his siblings and their kids and my dad and mom to join him and his family to have a barbecue up in Big Cottonwood Canyon, he works for the power company and has access to the property up there that they own, it is a lot of fun there is games for the kids to play and the adults just sit around and gab. My son-in-law Scott was able to take me up there with his kids. Well I hope that has brought you up to what is happening in our family, you will probably notice that some of the same pictures are on my kids blogs. I am a fanatic for taking pictures, just ask my kids. Take Care and I will blog soon. I hope?!


Louisa said...

How fun that you are a blogger now! It is such a great way to stay in touch. Keep it coming!

Lori said...

Fun stuff! Don't forget to post often, even the little things, it's more fun that way.

Unknown said...

I am so glad that you let me know about your blog! You are much better then me, I'm still resisiting! Sorry to hear about the foot, but happy to hear that you are done with work! Congrats! Sounds like your fam is doing great!

Jen Thomas said...

Wow! It is so great to catch up and see how you guys are doing! I miss you! If you ever get out this way- let us know! :)