Friday, December 4, 2009

Well, here it is December, and I haven't written for along time. I always think that I need pictures to post on my blog. I hope everyone had a fun Thanksgiving and are almost ready for Christmas. I really enjoy this time of year, other than the weather, but I can try and ignore it, but I find myself complaining. I am going to try and not complain to much this year and just bear with it. So if you hear a complaint I give you permission to slug me. I am always reminded of why we celebrate Christmas and I should remember my Savior all year long, which I think I do when I go to church each Sunday. I am so grateful for him and his infinite atonement for all of us, his example of always uplifting others and his love for all for all of us, and his wanting us to be able to live with him and our heavenly parents. I love him and our heavenly father, and know that they live and want us to be happy. I love my family and want them to know that. I know that while they were growing up that I didn't share my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, but I know that it is true, and ask their forgiveness for all of the things as they were growing up that I might have said or did, to please forgive me. I was doing what I thought was best for you (as all parents do, but that is no excuse) I am so glad that Heavenly Father entrusted them to me and hope that he is pleased with how they have turned out. I love Scott with every fiber of my being, he means so much to me, he lights up my life. I so enjoy and love all of my grandchildren, and never dreamed that they would bring so much love and fun into my life, I want them to know that I am always so proud of them, and they make me feel so young. I love to play games, have sleep overs and whatever we do I am in heaven when I am with them. I wasn't planning on bearing my testimony on this blog but it looks as if I just did. Hope you don't mind. I hope your Christmas opens your eyes of our Saviors love for you, and you too can bear witness of him, and come to realize what he has done for you and your family. We are very blessed and I see his hand in all things. Have a VERY Merry Christmas and always have CHRIST in your Christmas. I love each of you as friends and family. From our family to yours, we are always thinking of all of you, were ever you are. Love to all- Leita

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