Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Rest of the Story!

Well the weekend was quite uneventful. It started Friday night when Scott and I had a High Priest Group Leadership meeting to go to, and had to get a babysitter for Preston. Lisa came to the rescue.

Saturday was my birthday the big "50" Lisa came and picked me up and we went to a super Saturday at her ward, we made a cute little turkey to hold suckers in it. Then dad and Joan came to visit and had lunch with us. We had a good visit. Since Preston hates to go in the car or should I say in his car seat, we just hung out at home and ordered Wings from Wingers, Scott got a call from a single sister that he home teaches that her car had broken down and he went to help her.
Sunday, church as usual, Preston made it all the way through to Sunday School and then I took him home to nap, he went right down. Lisa, Scott and the kids came over to celebrate mine and Mik's birthday (which is today), Megan and Mike came also and we had invited Brother Hal Johnson over since his wife was out of town. Mik had picked pizza for his birthday dinner, so Lisa made homemade pizza and cherry pie , which turned out really good, I made rice krispie treats for those of us that didn't want cherry pie.
We gave Mik his BYU blanket and he seemed to love it, it turned out really cute.

He also got a bike for his birthday and had bring it and show it to us.

Well Monday came and Preston was acting really weird, he usually gets up, takes a bottle, then goes back down, gets up eats baby food, bottle goes down for nap, well Monday was not like that, so I hope that he isn't getting another ear infection. He was fun to have around, you just don't take him in the car unless you want to hear crying (screaming) through the whole ride. I don't know how Amy does it, I wanted to cry with him. We did go on walks which he loved, and I needed the exercise. I walk with a friend in the ward Denise Angus, and she and others at church thinks that Preston looks like Brad, I don't see it, all I see is his dad. He is soooo cute.
Thanks Amy for letting me have this opportunity to take care of Preston.

Well as usual I have made this a long update.

So now Scott and I are off to California tomorrow to celebrate my 50th birthday, we are going to Disneyland, just the 2 of us, so next week you will get another ear full.


Lori said...

Happy Birthday! Have fun in CA!

Marianne said...

Congrats on the big 50!

Sounds like you had a great weekend with the kiddos.

Enjoy your trip!

Jenn and Rich said...

He really does look a lot like Brad. I didn't notice it until these pictures.