Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Easter was a fun day. After going to church and enjoying the messages we heard there, we came home and started getting ready for everyone to come over. Megan and Mike came a little early to help me finish up on decorating the sugar cookies (they are so sinful). As we were finishing up on that Heidi and the boys came and they kept asking if Mik and the girls were going to be there soon. I guess we are boring and aren't as fun as cousins. Once Scott and Lisa arrived the noise level went up a couple decimals. They always have so much fun with each other. Then it was just waiting time until Amy and Matt came. At about 5:15 Amy and Matt arrived and we sat down to eat. Of course all the kids wanted to do the Easter egg hunt first, but I stuck to my guns and said if you eat all of your dinner, we will go out and find the eggs. They couldn't wait for the prayer to be said when they all dove into their food.

After dinner we went out to find the eggs, we had to make it somewhat fair and told the kids that they could only have 7 eggs a piece, and they were ok with that, so we started the youngest first and once they got started than the next group of kids came out and so forth, until Mik and Daghen were the last ones out.

They all seem to have fun, they all know that we put in money into some of the eggs, so they were so excited to find the ones with money in them. It was a great day, sunny, but a little cool. After the egg hunt all the kids, Brad, Mike, Megan and Papa played Frisbee, even Ellie joined in the game (for those that don't know who Ellie is she is our Golden Lab dog), all in all we enjoyed the day with the kids. Enjoy the pictures of our Easter day!

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