Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Lisa and I were going through some pictures yesterday to put on my blog from my wedding and came acrossed a picture of Scott and I. Kinzie looked at the picture and said "that's my papa!" and then she looked at the picture and then at me, and then at the picture again, she said "is that you mema?" I said "doesn't it look like me?" She wrinkled up her nose and said "you don't have old skin in the picture!" Only out of the mouths of babes!!!! We couldn't stop laughing, it was so funny! So you'll have to excuse the picutres of me with my OLD SKIN!

This was taken in 1991. So I guess I didn't have old skin then.


Jen Thomas said...

Too funny- kids really do say the funniest things!

Lori said...

I love what kids say. I have a big back side and a belly like Santa. We love our kids.

Cindy said...

One of the best stories I have heard! You are so great Leita! I miss you at work!