Friday, December 4, 2009
Well, here it is December, and I haven't written for along time. I always think that I need pictures to post on my blog. I hope everyone had a fun Thanksgiving and are almost ready for Christmas. I really enjoy this time of year, other than the weather, but I can try and ignore it, but I find myself complaining. I am going to try and not complain to much this year and just bear with it. So if you hear a complaint I give you permission to slug me. I am always reminded of why we celebrate Christmas and I should remember my Savior all year long, which I think I do when I go to church each Sunday. I am so grateful for him and his infinite atonement for all of us, his example of always uplifting others and his love for all for all of us, and his wanting us to be able to live with him and our heavenly parents. I love him and our heavenly father, and know that they live and want us to be happy. I love my family and want them to know that. I know that while they were growing up that I didn't share my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, but I know that it is true, and ask their forgiveness for all of the things as they were growing up that I might have said or did, to please forgive me. I was doing what I thought was best for you (as all parents do, but that is no excuse) I am so glad that Heavenly Father entrusted them to me and hope that he is pleased with how they have turned out. I love Scott with every fiber of my being, he means so much to me, he lights up my life. I so enjoy and love all of my grandchildren, and never dreamed that they would bring so much love and fun into my life, I want them to know that I am always so proud of them, and they make me feel so young. I love to play games, have sleep overs and whatever we do I am in heaven when I am with them. I wasn't planning on bearing my testimony on this blog but it looks as if I just did. Hope you don't mind. I hope your Christmas opens your eyes of our Saviors love for you, and you too can bear witness of him, and come to realize what he has done for you and your family. We are very blessed and I see his hand in all things. Have a VERY Merry Christmas and always have CHRIST in your Christmas. I love each of you as friends and family. From our family to yours, we are always thinking of all of you, were ever you are. Love to all- Leita
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Winter is upon us
Well the season is changing, and I don't really know if I am prepared for it or not, I am not one that likes the cold, but what to do when you live in a place that gets all 4 seasons?! The past couple of weeks has been busy. We have been working on the salon, putting in more lights and plugs. (can't have enough plugs) The hair business is slow, but I really don't advertise other than word of mouth. I did do a spot light on me in Relief Society and then the R.S. had an auction, where you could bid on the object or in this case hair cut, that went pretty good, and I auctioned off 2 adult hair cuts and 2 child hair cuts. Now if they pass the word it will hopefully work.
Last week I woke up to the stomach flu and the week was not so great, and on Saturday I woke up to a scratchy throat, and I think I figured it out that I have a sinus infection, so I called the doctor and he called in an antibiotic for me, but if that doesn't work he wants to see me. Hopefully it does help. I have not wanted to do anything but sleep, but with a family (even if it is just Brad, and Scott) I still have to do things to keep the family fed and clothes clean. I have decided to forget about the house as long as they don't complain. I do the dishes and straighten up but that is it on the house chores. Sorry who ever comes to visit. Next week better be a lot better. Jennifer and Abby are coming into town for Mik's baptism, so I better be feeling better. Until then or until I feel better. Talk to you then
Monday, October 12, 2009
Another new Job
I guess it has been long enough. We have been busy with many things and I haven't taken very many pictures. So probably not many. Let's see, we had our ward's annual rodeo, Scott was in charge of helping with the cooking (along with other High Priest) for lunch. I was a judge in the produce and salsa contest. It was a busy day.
Then my aunt Judy, uncle Fred and cousin Lori and her husband Glenn came to Utah to visit and go to the BYU/Florida game, we went to dinner with them on Friday, it was good to see them, since we don't get to see them very much. Scott had sinus surgery that week so he didn't come with us to dinner, he has done pretty good, but still feels like he has a cold, hopefully it will get better.
I no longer work for JetBlue, which has been a blessing for me. I had a hard time with it, I was always feeling anxious and getting headaches, so Scott said for me to quit. I have started doing hair again, but it is slow and haven't had luck in to many clients as of yet, I guess it will take a while.
We just finished painting the salon downstairs, so now I just need the clients.
Well for now that is what is happening in our family for now. I will up date as things come up.

Then my aunt Judy, uncle Fred and cousin Lori and her husband Glenn came to Utah to visit and go to the BYU/Florida game, we went to dinner with them on Friday, it was good to see them, since we don't get to see them very much. Scott had sinus surgery that week so he didn't come with us to dinner, he has done pretty good, but still feels like he has a cold, hopefully it will get better.
I no longer work for JetBlue, which has been a blessing for me. I had a hard time with it, I was always feeling anxious and getting headaches, so Scott said for me to quit. I have started doing hair again, but it is slow and haven't had luck in to many clients as of yet, I guess it will take a while.
We just finished painting the salon downstairs, so now I just need the clients.
Well for now that is what is happening in our family for now. I will up date as things come up.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
Scott and I decided to go camping up to the Uintas again, just the two of us. We had asked our kids and David and Kathy, but no one wanted to go, so it was just us, oh and we took Ellie. We left on Friday morning early, we stopped at Matt and Amy's around 7:30 or 8:00 am to wish Matt a happy birthday, then we were on our way. We got up to camp at around 11:00 maybe 10:30 I don't remember. We set up camp and then went for a walk, it was so nice and peaceful. We fixed some lunch and than just sat by the fire and read for awhile. That evening we went to get bugs at Millcreek, Ellie was crazy in the truck, like our grandkids, so excited to be able to ride in Grandpa's truck. We went back to camp and fixed dinner. On Saturday we got up and had baking powder biscuits and scrambled eggs. It is so nice to have an oven to bake things in or just to keep things warm. We then set off to fish. Ellie would go in the water but if it got to deep she was a chicken, I think if she saw Lucy (Jason and Lori's dog) and other dogs in the water she might not be so afraid. We will have to see next year when we all are up there together. She still had a ball chasing sticks that we would through into the river and she would have to go get them.
Sunday was just sitting around reading or crochetting going for a ride, walking around, having french toast, bacon, sausage and hasbrowns for breakfast, so I didn't need to eat until dinner. It was just a day of peace and quiet until a herd of sheep and all came through our camp. All of the bahhing started to get old. I told Scott I wished we could change the station, it got to be annoying listening to the same thing over and over. We started on our way back to home on Monday and got home about 5:00 pm, it was nice to get home and shower. It is always nice to go for awhile but I am always glad to get into my own bed and get cleaned up. We had a great time. Scott said we wants to make it a tradition every year, but I reminded him of the traffic of the holidays, so maybe the week before or the week after we will just have to see.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The First Day of School
So here we go again, the start of a new school year. It seems like yesterday they had just got out of school for the summer. For Brad this is his last year of High School. WOW!!! And our last child to finish public school all together, it seems weird to say that, but I for one can't wait till the end of the year, no more parent teacher conferences, no more wondering if there is enough lunch money in the account, no more school supplies, all of that will be gone. YEAH!!! But I still can't believe that he is a senior and will graduate this next year.
It will be different to not have a student at the high school or jr high or elementary, I guess this is where the grandkids come into play. This will be an exciting year for Brad, he is a great kid and he has been a great help to us. He has a lot going for him. The one thing about Brad is that he loves people and he is always concerned about others. I think he will be a great missionary.
Brad will have a chance to go to college for a year before he is able to go on a LDS mission, that way he can get in most of his generals and be able to come home from his mission and start from there (at least that is the plan).
Last night Scott gave Brad a fathers blessing and it was great. When he stood up to hug Scott, I believe he is now taller than his dad. But I want him to still be our little boy.
Have a great year at school Brad. Remember that we love you!
Look at the cool glasses he has on, he reminds me of someone in the 70's when I was in school.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
On Monday, Scott and I had the privilege of going up to Sundance to see the play Fantastiks, our neighbors and good friends the Behunin's (Wendell and Cindy) invited us to go with them. We had a good time out in the open COLD air. Cindy and I thought if we got there about 7 we would be able to get a pretty decent seat, Yeah right, there were so many people there we barely got a seat on the lawn up in what would be considered the nose bleed area, but on the mountain. We had brought blankets and just snuggled. All in all we enjoyed it. So here are some pictures of 0ur adventure.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Camping Fun!
So I am at home finally with JetBlue, it has only been a week, and so far so good. I still am not so thrilled about working, but I will stick it out for a little while. I think that I was spoiled being at home, and not working for the past year, and now I am working and now I remember why I quit. Enough about that.
Last Wednesday through Saturday morning Scott and I went camping up in the Uinta's where Scott grew up camping and we also took our kids when they were young. We decided to take the grandson's with us so Daghen and Tyson came with us, Mik was going to come but he had football practice and we told him it was up to him and he didn't want to miss his practices. So we set off on Wednesday afternoon around 5pm getting up to camp around 9:30 or so. As we were getting onto the freeway Tyson spoke up and said so are we there!? I just stared laughing and said "we are just getting on the freeway, it will be awhile", so after that it was about every 30-45 minutes that we got that question. Oh does that bring back memories from our own kids asking us if we were there yet.
As we arrived Lori and Mim (our nieces,who had been there since Sunday) met us and helped us park the trailer,we got the boys put to bed,since they had fallen asleep, and how they did that on the bumpy road is beyond me. The next morning the boys were anxious to go fishing, but Grandpa told them that they needed to go get bugs first. In the middle of the night Kurt and Jason (Lori and Mim's husbands) had arrived in camp. So all of the older kids went with the dads to go get bugs at Millcreek where we have always gone to get rockrollers, the special bug you use to fish on the Bear river and East Fork of the Blacks Fork where we are camped. In the meantime Kathy and David showed up, it brought back so many memories of when we would camp with them when the kids were very young. It has been awhile since we have camped together, but I think that we areback on track! I had so much fun with Lori, Mim and Kathy talking about old times and also enjoying Lori and Mim's (I should tell you that her name is MaryAnn but we use her nickname)kids, they were so fun to be around and what a great bunch of kids. I appreciated the way the they all welcomed Daghen and Tyson, and included them in everything they did. The boys seemed to have a lot of fun.
That afternoon Jim and Carrie showed up with their 2 kids Jimmy and Katie, and on Friday Cinda and Paul and their daughter Amelia came and what a party around the fire.
I loved the entertainment the the Farnsworth kids showed us, like Alex on his stage (stump)singing is heart out not knowing what he is saying, Will just walking through camp singing or just talking, to Emily, Whittney, Carine, Natalie and Ben singing all the time. Todd and Jimmy jumping into their grandpas truck to help him (or agrivating him). I will always treasure the time I was able spend and get to know these special kids!

Scott and I took the boys fishing on friday morning, and they were having a ball. I was the photographer and was in charge of putting on the bate (rockrollers) on their hook if it came off. I told Kathy that I never did that for my own kids, but I guess as a grandma you do just about anything. I am sure my girls are thinking sure mom, I guess you will have to come next year and find out if I do it.

I hope that we can get back to doing what is so important to Scott as to fishing his favorite place and being with his brother and family. I thouroughly enjoyed myself and can't wait to do it again next year. Please enjoy the pictures I had a lot of fun taking them.
Thank you Lori and Jason, Kurt and Mim, Kathy and David, Jim and Carrie and Paul and Cinda, for making last week the funist time I have had in a long time. For sure it is on my calendar for next year and I have told all of my kids to mark the first week in August to go camping up in the Unita's like we always used to do.
Last Wednesday through Saturday morning Scott and I went camping up in the Uinta's where Scott grew up camping and we also took our kids when they were young. We decided to take the grandson's with us so Daghen and Tyson came with us, Mik was going to come but he had football practice and we told him it was up to him and he didn't want to miss his practices. So we set off on Wednesday afternoon around 5pm getting up to camp around 9:30 or so. As we were getting onto the freeway Tyson spoke up and said so are we there!? I just stared laughing and said "we are just getting on the freeway, it will be awhile", so after that it was about every 30-45 minutes that we got that question. Oh does that bring back memories from our own kids asking us if we were there yet.
As we arrived Lori and Mim (our nieces,who had been there since Sunday) met us and helped us park the trailer,we got the boys put to bed,since they had fallen asleep, and how they did that on the bumpy road is beyond me. The next morning the boys were anxious to go fishing, but Grandpa told them that they needed to go get bugs first. In the middle of the night Kurt and Jason (Lori and Mim's husbands) had arrived in camp. So all of the older kids went with the dads to go get bugs at Millcreek where we have always gone to get rockrollers, the special bug you use to fish on the Bear river and East Fork of the Blacks Fork where we are camped. In the meantime Kathy and David showed up, it brought back so many memories of when we would camp with them when the kids were very young. It has been awhile since we have camped together, but I think that we areback on track! I had so much fun with Lori, Mim and Kathy talking about old times and also enjoying Lori and Mim's (I should tell you that her name is MaryAnn but we use her nickname)kids, they were so fun to be around and what a great bunch of kids. I appreciated the way the they all welcomed Daghen and Tyson, and included them in everything they did. The boys seemed to have a lot of fun.
That afternoon Jim and Carrie showed up with their 2 kids Jimmy and Katie, and on Friday Cinda and Paul and their daughter Amelia came and what a party around the fire.
I loved the entertainment the the Farnsworth kids showed us, like Alex on his stage (stump)singing is heart out not knowing what he is saying, Will just walking through camp singing or just talking, to Emily, Whittney, Carine, Natalie and Ben singing all the time. Todd and Jimmy jumping into their grandpas truck to help him (or agrivating him). I will always treasure the time I was able spend and get to know these special kids!
Scott and I took the boys fishing on friday morning, and they were having a ball. I was the photographer and was in charge of putting on the bate (rockrollers) on their hook if it came off. I told Kathy that I never did that for my own kids, but I guess as a grandma you do just about anything. I am sure my girls are thinking sure mom, I guess you will have to come next year and find out if I do it.
I hope that we can get back to doing what is so important to Scott as to fishing his favorite place and being with his brother and family. I thouroughly enjoyed myself and can't wait to do it again next year. Please enjoy the pictures I had a lot of fun taking them.
Thank you Lori and Jason, Kurt and Mim, Kathy and David, Jim and Carrie and Paul and Cinda, for making last week the funist time I have had in a long time. For sure it is on my calendar for next year and I have told all of my kids to mark the first week in August to go camping up in the Unita's like we always used to do.
Monday, July 27, 2009
And the FUN continues
I am still in training with JetBlue, but we will see how far I go. I am taking phone calls now and am working 3/8's (Sun,Tues and Sat) but I am still at the call center, which is not so fun, I am going to see how it is at home and if I still am not having much fun at it I will probably quit. Scott asked me "what did you think this job would be?" I guess I really didn't think I just knew I wanted to do something at home so I could be at home, well I am not home yet and won't be for about a couple of more weeks. I think I made a big mistake. The headaches and stomachs are not worth it.
So on a lighter note this past week we had Lisa's kids over I went swimming with them and they spent the night with us, we went to see Ice Age III with them. Scott took some time off and he and I went on a bike ride on the Provo bike trail, it was alot of fun, we went to dinner, and just hung out, since I had to be to work on Saturday and Sunday.
So on a lighter note this past week we had Lisa's kids over I went swimming with them and they spent the night with us, we went to see Ice Age III with them. Scott took some time off and he and I went on a bike ride on the Provo bike trail, it was alot of fun, we went to dinner, and just hung out, since I had to be to work on Saturday and Sunday.
Friday Amy called and asked us to go boating with them, so we did and that was a lot of fun. Scott and I both tried to wake board, what a joke trying to get this fat butt up, it is harder than you think, Amy and Matt make it look so easy. I enjoyed watching Preston, he was so good. He especially wanted to drive the boat. I did go on the innertube with Amy, she thought that I was crying, but I was just laughing and couldn't stop. She kept on asking me if I was ok, then the crash, oh my thigh! I now have a big bruise. Thanks Amy and Matt for a very fun time! Well for now that is it. I will return later. Enjoy a good laugh at the pictures!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Official Word and some Summer Fun too!
Well as I told my kids I graduated from the University of JetBlue "JBU"!!! And now I have the fun job of taking calls and working for Jetblue. I finished the classroom schedule today and will be at the Call center for the next 3 weeks on my regular shift, thank heavens it is only 3 days, but I don't know if I am looking forward to being on the phone for 8 hours. After all of that I hope to be working in my own home, by the end of the month. Well enough about that.
Our monthly dinner with my family was held at Lynn and Charlene's house on June 22. We had a great time. Lynn's 2 boys were in charge of the barbecueing, which turned out great. They did an awsome job. I think they just wanted to be able to eat, that is why they wanted to help! I am just kidding they are a lot of fun to have around. Next is my turn, maybe Brad will want to do the cooking? NOT!
I had gone to Jenn's right before I started my training. I was there for about 4 days. I can't get enough of those girls and especially Jennifer. I love going to see her and her family. We had a lot of fun, going to the pool and watching movies, I had a lot of fun. Thanks Jenn for a very fun time, can't wait to do it again, that is if I can talk your dad into it. I'll just remind him of the free flights, and maybe he will come with me!
Well the 4th of July has come and gone, I always say that it is all down hill now and fall and winter will be here soon. Hopefully not to soon. We had a little barbecue with the kids and did some roasting of the marshmallows in the Farnsworth Canyon (our backyard on the deck with the fire pit!).
The next day (Sunday July 5th) we had all of Scott's family over for a barbecue. Scott's brother Kevin and his wife Stephanie were here visiting from Oregon, with them they brought Nick and Shae, those boy's have grown. We enjoyed their stay. We were sad by the fact that David and Kathy couldn't attend, due to Kathy have the stomach flu, hopefully she has gotten over that, we will have to have them over again so we can visit. We miss seeing them. When the kids were little it seemed like we were up in Logan or them down here at least 2 to 3 times a month. I miss those days. Claudia, Allen, Mom, Kurt and Mim and their family, Jason and Lori and their family, Cinda,Paul and their little girl Amelia, Carrie and Jim and their 2 little ones and our family except Amy and Matt were all there. We had a great time visiting and catching up on old times. We need to get together more. So Farnsworth's look forward to the winter and we will set something up for another get together.
So until then keep in touch and I will be thinking of some fun things to do. Any input would be appreciated. Here is a slide show of the fun, food and a lot of talking!
Our monthly dinner with my family was held at Lynn and Charlene's house on June 22. We had a great time. Lynn's 2 boys were in charge of the barbecueing, which turned out great. They did an awsome job. I think they just wanted to be able to eat, that is why they wanted to help! I am just kidding they are a lot of fun to have around. Next is my turn, maybe Brad will want to do the cooking? NOT!
I had gone to Jenn's right before I started my training. I was there for about 4 days. I can't get enough of those girls and especially Jennifer. I love going to see her and her family. We had a lot of fun, going to the pool and watching movies, I had a lot of fun. Thanks Jenn for a very fun time, can't wait to do it again, that is if I can talk your dad into it. I'll just remind him of the free flights, and maybe he will come with me!
Well the 4th of July has come and gone, I always say that it is all down hill now and fall and winter will be here soon. Hopefully not to soon. We had a little barbecue with the kids and did some roasting of the marshmallows in the Farnsworth Canyon (our backyard on the deck with the fire pit!).
The next day (Sunday July 5th) we had all of Scott's family over for a barbecue. Scott's brother Kevin and his wife Stephanie were here visiting from Oregon, with them they brought Nick and Shae, those boy's have grown. We enjoyed their stay. We were sad by the fact that David and Kathy couldn't attend, due to Kathy have the stomach flu, hopefully she has gotten over that, we will have to have them over again so we can visit. We miss seeing them. When the kids were little it seemed like we were up in Logan or them down here at least 2 to 3 times a month. I miss those days. Claudia, Allen, Mom, Kurt and Mim and their family, Jason and Lori and their family, Cinda,Paul and their little girl Amelia, Carrie and Jim and their 2 little ones and our family except Amy and Matt were all there. We had a great time visiting and catching up on old times. We need to get together more. So Farnsworth's look forward to the winter and we will set something up for another get together.
So until then keep in touch and I will be thinking of some fun things to do. Any input would be appreciated. Here is a slide show of the fun, food and a lot of talking!
Monday, June 8, 2009
It has been a busy last couple of days. I finally finished my painting and we got a desk for my office. Once we got that in place, we cleaned up the house for Jennifer and Rich and their family to come. They were here for Rich's brother's wedding, and were only here for a short time. So we went to Farr West for the wedding and then on Saturday we had Daghen's baptism to go to, so we picked up Megan and Mike and then Grandma Farnsworth and started on our way back up to the Ogden area. The baptism turned out really nice, my dad and Joan were there and all of my kids except Lisa was there. (Lisa is the 10yr old scout leader in her ward and had to be with them at an outing), but her husband Scott and the kids came. Also our son-in-law Matt couldn't make it due to a motocross race he was in. After the baptism Heidi had a luncheon out in back of their house at the park, it was great weather and we were even able to see some of the Air Show that Hill Air force puts on, it was fantastic to see the Blue Angels to their thing. When it was all over we went home to go up to the canyon and roast marshmallows, but the weather started to turn on us so we decided to go to Lowe's and buy a fire pit and roast marshmallows on the deck, so that is what we did. In the mean time Brad came home from his Scouting trip from Lake Powell and to our surprise he came back with NO hair or very little and today he is suppose to go get his picture taken for Senior pictures! Oh Well. Well I won't bore you any more than you already are. Enjoy the pictures! Until next time SMILE!!!!!

Oh yeah here is the finished product of my painting and our new desk!
Still have some decorating to get done, but I guess I better get the job first, so I can pay for the decorating!!
Oh yeah here is the finished product of my painting and our new desk!
Still have some decorating to get done, but I guess I better get the job first, so I can pay for the decorating!!
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